Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ep. 164 - That Magnitude of Daditude

This week Jon makes all the Dad Jokes, Cody judges the merits of the God of War applicant, and Dave tries to recover some data. Also, 1985 Billings.

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - Cold Open

0:01:17 - What Day is This?: World Backup Day

0:10:41 - Twittershins

0:15:57 - Listener Suggested Scenes: from Jack Rugby

0:24:30 - Questionnaise: from Gary and Will

0:38:10 - What's Weird in the World?: Hiring Ninjas

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Ep. 163b - Carol Channing Tatum

This is a special overflow bonus episode consisting of a Fruitwards scene cut out of Ep. 163 - Mr. Gravy Canes. The episode was going long on time so here is what you missed. Enjoy! Dave opens a gift shop, Jon wants some nasty spoons, Jenni has a cough, and Cody has a bruised neck. Also, forks!

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - Cold Open

0:00:58 - Fruitwards: Inapropriate Spoons


Thanks for listening!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ep. 163 - Mr. Gravy Canes

This week Jenni returns to the show! She has a birthday coming up, Jon had a birthday recently, Cody had a terrible pretend birthday, and Dave is adding years onto his life. Also, The Needle!

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - Cold Open

0:01:40 - What Day is This? National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

0:14:22 - What Have You Been Up To?: The convention lifestyle, audiobooks, blogging, job search, weight loss, Savage Worlds: Deadlands, etc.

0:25:24 - Fruitwards: Dependable Execution

0:32:28 - Improv Game of the Week: Guest Game

0:50:10 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ep. 162 - Make Patrick Saint Again

This week Dave says "dilapidated shack-quile O'Neil... Armstrong," Jon respects the Hat, and Cody helps to uncover some adorable government waste. Also, #imgoingtohashtagallofthisexclamationmarkFTW

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - Cold Open

0:02:27 - What Day is This?: St. Patrick's Day

0:16:19 - Twittershins

0:21:35 - Listener Suggested Scenes: From Skippy Dan

0:28:06 - Questionnaise: From Will and Destro Bunko

0:35:40 - What's Weird in the World?: Lost Goldfish

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ep. 161 - The El Grandify-o Event

This week Cody recommends inflatable rubber clothing, Jon is the Guardian of the Sacred Treasure of Juan-Tee, and Dave is supposed to fight the Demon-Panda of Antioch. Also, a little bit of the odd.

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - Cold Open

0:02:43 - What Day is This?: National Mario Day

0:15:08 - What Have You Been Up To?: Minecraft update, No Man's Sky anticipation, job search, D&D, Heroes of the Storm, making Canadian friends, Con Season, etc.

0:25:00 - Fruitwards: Simultaneous Treasures

0:34:44 - Improv Game of the Week: TV News

0:46:39 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ep. 160 - Potent Anecdotent

This week Dave wants to make you breakfast in bed, Jon advises against giving alcohol to monkeys, and Cody ain't found sh*t. Also, The Bible Car!

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - Cold Open

0:02:25 - What Day is This?: National I Want You To Be Happy Day

0:09:04 - Twittershins

0:14:42 - Listener Suggested Scenes: visit

0:17:59 - Questionnaise: visit

0:20:13 - What's Weird in the World?: Drunk Monkey!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!