Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ep. 99 - Happy Popcorn!

Merry Christmas from all of us here at Drowning Man Productions! The Wasting ALL the Time - A Podcast's second annual studio Christmas party goes a little sideways in a vaguely miraculous way. 

Show notes:
Happy Christmas, Happy Popcorn, Happy Boxing Day, Happy New Year, etc!!!


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ep. 98 - READ A BOOK

This week, Jenni returns to get help for her cat, Phoebe, Cody hates getting interrupted, Dave explains that he didn't get the joke at first, and Jon's theme park has a wacky pricing system. Also, NUCLEAR MAN!
Show notes:
-End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up voting closes this week. Get your votes in by Dec. 20th!
-WHYBUT?: Jenni is back! Latin is boring, Disneyland, graveyard shift, video games (surprise!), Christmas, Adams Family dancing, Minecraft!
-Fruitwards: Apathetic Vendors, Cosmetic Languages, Delicious Clowns, Nuclear Catchphrase
-IGOTW: Guest Game - "Superhero Day," "Phoebe goes to the vet"
-Questionnaise: from Will, Anthony, and Will!
-Cody's Words of Alleged "Wisdom"

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ep. 97 - Pizza Time With The Darkness

This week Dave gets hated on for his ancestry, Jon tries to clarify the Reformed Markelite Church's position on... things, and Cody subjects some "bloody-fleshy" to the "hot burn-y pop-pop." Also, FLOUR FIGHT!

Show notes:
-End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up voting is still happening! What's your favorite scene of 2014?
-WHYBUT?: The Unknown, Disneyland, churro fast, turning, doctor visit, customer service, working, crazy concert time
-Fruitwards: Patriotic Shoes, Unique Place of Worship, Domestic Primatives
-Improv Game of the Week: Master Servant Disaster
-Questionnaise: from Will Reed!! #IsThisAGoodQuestion
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ep. 96 - No One Wins!

This week all cheeses will be made into wheels for bartering purposes. Cody shows off his fancy gas-pumping footwork, Jon "found" a fanny-pack, and Dave wants a 1:15 scale guillotine for his kitchen. Also, "you're leaving me here because I'm not a father?!"
Show notes:
-End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up voting is happening right now! What's your favorite scene of 2014?
-WHYBUT?: Science Time!, Thanksgiving... COINCIDENCE?!, preparing for the remainder of the year, upcoming concerts, grandmother approval, estimating years, jobs, choices
-Fruitwards: Terminal Home Shopping Network 
-Improv Game of the Week: Sportz Center: "Pumping Gas"
-LSS: Bear at a bar
-Questionnaise: from Will, Kell, and Will
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ep. 95 - It Doesn't Have To Be Tiny

This week Jason "Sandwich" Pano joins us for a special Thanksgiving episode. Jon doesn't think he can run 40 mph, Jason asks for people's passwords, Dave explains what Q stands for, and Cody once ate dinosaur meat. Also, grandmas cook with... love?

Show notes:
-End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up voting has begun! What's your favorite scene of 2014?
-WHYBUT?: Asexual turkeys, grad school, underwater beer pong(?), first official résumé, not getting on The Peter Dinklage Hate Wagon, console vs PC controls, grilling the turkey, successful audition, spinning fun
-Fruitwards: Obese Ninjas, Emphatic Sports, Metropolitan Candy, Meticulous Businesses 
-Improv Game of the Week: One-Up (Pissing Contest)
-Questionnaise: From Will (AKA Sir Hot-Bod Handsome-Face)
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ep. 94 - ...On A Beagle

This week Jon nails the audition, Cody has been reading ahead, and Dave's word is "mustache." Also, you're over there.

Show notes: 
-WHYBUT?: The yogurt that makes you poop, Mame (not "maim"), faking the audition, gettin' turduckened, what China is called, job search.
-Fruitwards: Conflicted War, Brilliant Memorial, Evasive Literature
-Improv Game of the Week: Walkout
-Questionnaise: From Will, Kell, and Brent
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ep. 93 - Truckception

This week, Jon wants a 30 foot chrome dragon to remember Timmy by, Cody is forced to ditch his new catchphrase, and Dave is abused by the nakedness. Also, #Ferretpocolypse 

Show notes: 
-WHYBUT?: IMAX Interstellar, shady renn faire, League of Legends, PS4 hookup, unclear gameplay
-Fruitwards: "Inquisitive Alien invasion" "Sacrificial Baseball" "Revised Infomercial" 
"Stereotypical Monument"
-IGOTW: "TV News" #Ferretpocolypse
-Questionnaise: From Hat-Man, Jason the Piano, Mr. Brent, and "Wheeel" (Will)
-Cody's Words of Wisdom (special musical edition) 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ep. 92 - We're Very Sorry, France

This week Dave has trouble getting started, Jon is very upset about a package he got, Cody is confused about a package HE got, and Will is reaching out for children's education. Also, travel the world's prisons!
Show Notes:
-WHYBUT?: Halloween recovery, iPhone 5 case, murder, video games, Christmas music, inventing the "wheel," board game development. 
-Fruitwards: "Indecent Prosthesis," "Impoverished Roadtrip," "Important Rednecks," "Terrible Lingerie," "Wonderous Wrestlers."
-Questionnaise: from Gary!
-Cody's Words of Wisdom

Friday, October 31, 2014

Ep. 91 - Xtreme Ghost Hunters HD

This week we "failed" to make our Halloween special so Jon recorded an Open Access Interview Series Interview with the Radnor Bros. Then, crazy happened and here is the result. Also, #RIPTed

Check us out on iTunes to leave a rating and review. We will love you forever.
Also, follow us on Twitter for things we don't post elsewhere, because... Twitter.
If you've not already liked our Facebook page, you're not one of the true believers who have also liked our Facebook page.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Hiccup

Dave has a brief announcement to make. Don't worry, it's not really bad news. ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ep. 90 - Perfectly Coiffed Hair

This week, Sara is our guest! She unlocks the secret to a successful opera career, Dave is in charge of the fresh fruit, Cody drinks poison, and Jon describes the history of the schwarzem unter über nitsqueeger. Also, sugar caves!

Show notes: 
-WHYBUT?: Weddings, Boston, museums, river-trees, moonshine and such!
-Fruitwards: "Stealthy Radio," "Suspenseful Race," "Incompetent Adventure," "Imaginary Animals" 
-Questionnaise: from Jason and Gary!

-Cody's WOW

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ep. 89 - The Nacho Thing

This week Jon, Dave and Will make a joke that's never been made before. Also, bonus material!

Show notes:

-The Nacho Thing
-WHYBUT?: Cholera, sushi, concerts, handymen, Minecraft, etc.
-Fruitwards: "Lusty Neighbors," "Mind-controlled Prototype," "Bureaucratic Castle," "Explosive History," "Delicious Solutions"
-IGotW: The Guest Game (insurance salesman)
-Will's W.O.W.

Sound Cloud

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ep. 88 - A Diverse Collection of Excellent Qualities

    This week, Jon is forced to reveal his beliefs, Dave ruins everything by participating, and Cody wants you to "remember the death ray." Also, bell peppers can't dance the tango for sh*t.

Show notes: 
  -WHYBUT?: Archery tag, dieting, singing, gym memberships, Minecraft, smoked salmon, jumping the Godwin, etc.
  -Fruitwards: Numb Vampires, Angry Instructors
  -LSS: Rocky gave up the mob life to work retail and is having transition issues. -from Brent
  -IGOTW: Evil Stick of Gum
  -Questionnaise: from Jason, Kell, Anthony, Brent, and Jason.

  -Cody's Words of Wisdom

Check us out on facebook, twitter, and iTunes!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ep. 87 - I Was Waiting For, You Know, Quality

    This week Cody is calling on behalf of Morbidity InternationalTM, Dave is a surgeon having one of those days, and Jon prepares a malpractice lawsuit. Also, "I just want to help!"

Show notes:
    -WHYBUT?: Games!
    -Fruitwards: "Morbid Telemarketers" "Experimental Romance" "Mindless Surgery"
    -IGotW: The Horoscope Game (Cancer, Libra, Aries)
    -Cody's W.O.W.



Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Halloween '14

    Last year we collected scene suggestions from our audience in line with a Halloween theme in the hopes of recording a Special Episode. Unfortunately, the recording was interrupted by Dr. Malmensch's evil plot to take over the populace, zombie hordes, a Canadian vampire, spiritual possession, and lots of other unforeseen circumstances. This year, we're hoping to avoid all of that. 
    SO: Please send in your Halloween scene suggestions through Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, this blog, carrier pigeon, or the comments on our Libsyn site and remember, this is us hoping lightning doesn't strike the same place twice! Like, in a bad way. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ep. 86 - F*** You, Zordon!

    This week, a guestful show has Cody making Protein Powder Pancakes, Jon goes on a date to Dairy Queen with a game-show contestant, Will uses coconuts to woo mates, Dave gets to retire at 50, and Kristen is either annoyed or slightly annoyed! Also, that's all in one scene! 

Fruitwards: "Futuristic Masterpiece," "Naked Laws," and "Nervous Cards." 

Improv Game of the Week: The Dating Game

Questionnaise: "Now that Microsoft has purchased Mojang and your precious Minecraft, what will they do with it?" -Jason Pano

"Me: Why is there a cupcake on my desk? Me in response to myself: Why ask why? #isthisagodquestion"  

"Is setting up dominoes and then knocking them over a waste of time? How about if I just set them up and leave them that way forever?" -Kell Brigan

"Watching 2001: A Space Odyssey on TCM. What was with all the monkeys for like, 20 mins? #isthisagoodquestion" -@MouseSocks

"Are Rice Krispies made out of rice?" -@MouseSocks


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ep. 85 - It's All Water In The Pipes

This week our special guest (S.G. Brent Randolph) informs us of the post-modern state of super-villainy, Cody's sister-bedding days are over, and Dave is... Dave. Also, STICK THE LANDING!

Enjoy these links!



Sound Cloud

Or, take a listen right now!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ep. 84 - Tryin' to Stack These Apples

This week, the guys are all over the place. Jon colorfully explains how dishwashing is done, Dave thinks asparagus is funny, and Cody is just running the left side of the turkey. Also, this is an ego-free zone, man...

Listen, subscribe, and leave a review on iTunes

Or listen on Sound Cloud right now!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

WATT: OAIS Ep. 2 - Dr. Prof. Archibald Randall Sundrum & Edward Weatherby

In the second episode of the Open Access Interview Series, Jon interviews retired professor and astrophysicist Dr. Sundrum and his publisher/editor/damage-control agent Mr. Weatherby. The Doctor is writing a series of novels for children but they may need some adjustments for "tone."

Listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Sound Cloud, or in this handy player right here!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ep. 83 - Illegally Blind

This week, guest host Will is bribing #1 fan status from the guys. Cody hosts a terribly confused game-show, Jon is re-branding the tools of the wizarding world, & Dave hints at Superman's new secret identity. Also, 5 means you're very attractive. Inherently.

Please listen to us however you like! We're on iTunes, Stitcher, Libsyn, and Sound Cloud.
If you like the show, leave us a rating and review.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ep. 82 - Trippin' Balls With Puppies

    The guys are at it again... bein' all weird 'n stuff. Cody gets more than he bargained for at a farmer's market, Jon gives a thorough explanation of what qualities are needed for the PERFECT date movie, and Stephen King (Dave) has a new literary device he would like to try gone insane. Also, Jon is confused about pandas, the movie rental industry, and probably a lot more!

Listen here:

and/or find us on iTunes.

We are also on Stitcher now!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ep. 80 - Hashbrown, Good Question

This week in improv comedy, Will Reed returns to make things super strange at traffic school, Sean Connery (Jon?) snaps a few necks to demonstrate his vitality, Cody explains what Ciara is talking about, and Dave is The Chosen One (predictable). Also, the eyes are up here, ladies.

Links galore!



Sound Cloud




Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ep. 79 - Math Doctors

This week in improv comedy: Jon keeps a terrible show from broadcasting on the Disney Channel, Dave tried branching out and DID NOT LIKE IT, and Cody likes his limbs because they are attached. Also, meat right-side-up birthday cake!

Do us a solid and rate, review, and subscribe on iTunes.
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If you want to start streaming the most recent episode right now in your browser, use Sound Cloud.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ep. 78 - Purple Mohawk Strikes Again!

This week, the guys recognize the far-reaching influence of the Indiana Jones franchise! Cody splits a gut, Dave's life was saved by a rogue tattoo artist, and Jon is searching for a sentient, mobile, fire-breathing duck puppet. Also, the guys receive some call-in advice from a friend of the show. Also also, your ignorance is excusable and expected. Enjoy!

Use these links for this episode and more!

Sound Cloud


RSS/Direct download

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ep. 77 - The Old Glorious

This week, Jon wants to spread the love & damn the consequences, Cody brilliantly navigates what could have been a confounding court case with his outstanding prosecutorial attorneyshipness, and Dave is just trying to hold it all in. Also, moldy sandwich!

Listen and comment on Sound Cloud

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

WATT: Open Access Interview Series Ep. 1 - Paul Stacie

Jon sits down for the first ever Wasting ALL the Time Open Access Interview Series episode! This one features Paul Stacie (David Paterson), owner of Stacie's Stick Ball Billiard Hall.

Use these links!



Sound Cloud

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ep. 76 - Wasting ALL the FREE Time

This July week in American improv comedy independence, Cody is a patriot, Jon is a patriot, and Dave is similarly a patriot. Also, history comes alive in this thrilling reenactment of key moments in the formation of these United States of America. Happy Fourth of July!




Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ep. 75 - Post-Verbal

It was a fun recording session this week and strange results are now documented for posterity. Episode 75 is available everywhere!

"This week in improv comedy, Dave helps a friend deal with his retirement, Jon puts beer in an IV, and Cody is an infant. Also, bran muffins!"

The episode can be found in the following places: 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ep. 74 - The Vinnie Jones Method

This week in comedy improv the guys shoot the breeze with special guest Jay Patrick! Jay hosts a morose version of Prairie Home Companion, Dave advises/caters for President Obama, Jon has special car problems, and Cody has a surprising new friend! Also, "Dream Hard, Bro!"

Get it in these places:

Thursday, June 12, 2014