Friday, October 31, 2014

Ep. 91 - Xtreme Ghost Hunters HD

This week we "failed" to make our Halloween special so Jon recorded an Open Access Interview Series Interview with the Radnor Bros. Then, crazy happened and here is the result. Also, #RIPTed

Check us out on iTunes to leave a rating and review. We will love you forever.
Also, follow us on Twitter for things we don't post elsewhere, because... Twitter.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Hiccup

Dave has a brief announcement to make. Don't worry, it's not really bad news. ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ep. 90 - Perfectly Coiffed Hair

This week, Sara is our guest! She unlocks the secret to a successful opera career, Dave is in charge of the fresh fruit, Cody drinks poison, and Jon describes the history of the schwarzem unter über nitsqueeger. Also, sugar caves!

Show notes: 
-WHYBUT?: Weddings, Boston, museums, river-trees, moonshine and such!
-Fruitwards: "Stealthy Radio," "Suspenseful Race," "Incompetent Adventure," "Imaginary Animals" 
-Questionnaise: from Jason and Gary!

-Cody's WOW

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ep. 89 - The Nacho Thing

This week Jon, Dave and Will make a joke that's never been made before. Also, bonus material!

Show notes:

-The Nacho Thing
-WHYBUT?: Cholera, sushi, concerts, handymen, Minecraft, etc.
-Fruitwards: "Lusty Neighbors," "Mind-controlled Prototype," "Bureaucratic Castle," "Explosive History," "Delicious Solutions"
-IGotW: The Guest Game (insurance salesman)
-Will's W.O.W.

Sound Cloud

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ep. 88 - A Diverse Collection of Excellent Qualities

    This week, Jon is forced to reveal his beliefs, Dave ruins everything by participating, and Cody wants you to "remember the death ray." Also, bell peppers can't dance the tango for sh*t.

Show notes: 
  -WHYBUT?: Archery tag, dieting, singing, gym memberships, Minecraft, smoked salmon, jumping the Godwin, etc.
  -Fruitwards: Numb Vampires, Angry Instructors
  -LSS: Rocky gave up the mob life to work retail and is having transition issues. -from Brent
  -IGOTW: Evil Stick of Gum
  -Questionnaise: from Jason, Kell, Anthony, Brent, and Jason.

  -Cody's Words of Wisdom

Check us out on facebook, twitter, and iTunes!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ep. 87 - I Was Waiting For, You Know, Quality

    This week Cody is calling on behalf of Morbidity InternationalTM, Dave is a surgeon having one of those days, and Jon prepares a malpractice lawsuit. Also, "I just want to help!"

Show notes:
    -WHYBUT?: Games!
    -Fruitwards: "Morbid Telemarketers" "Experimental Romance" "Mindless Surgery"
    -IGotW: The Horoscope Game (Cancer, Libra, Aries)
    -Cody's W.O.W.



Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Halloween '14

    Last year we collected scene suggestions from our audience in line with a Halloween theme in the hopes of recording a Special Episode. Unfortunately, the recording was interrupted by Dr. Malmensch's evil plot to take over the populace, zombie hordes, a Canadian vampire, spiritual possession, and lots of other unforeseen circumstances. This year, we're hoping to avoid all of that. 
    SO: Please send in your Halloween scene suggestions through Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, this blog, carrier pigeon, or the comments on our Libsyn site and remember, this is us hoping lightning doesn't strike the same place twice! Like, in a bad way.