Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ep. 95 - It Doesn't Have To Be Tiny

This week Jason "Sandwich" Pano joins us for a special Thanksgiving episode. Jon doesn't think he can run 40 mph, Jason asks for people's passwords, Dave explains what Q stands for, and Cody once ate dinosaur meat. Also, grandmas cook with... love?

Show notes:
-End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up voting has begun! What's your favorite scene of 2014?
-WHYBUT?: Asexual turkeys, grad school, underwater beer pong(?), first official résumé, not getting on The Peter Dinklage Hate Wagon, console vs PC controls, grilling the turkey, successful audition, spinning fun
-Fruitwards: Obese Ninjas, Emphatic Sports, Metropolitan Candy, Meticulous Businesses 
-Improv Game of the Week: One-Up (Pissing Contest)
-Questionnaise: From Will (AKA Sir Hot-Bod Handsome-Face)
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ep. 94 - ...On A Beagle

This week Jon nails the audition, Cody has been reading ahead, and Dave's word is "mustache." Also, you're over there.

Show notes: 
-WHYBUT?: The yogurt that makes you poop, Mame (not "maim"), faking the audition, gettin' turduckened, what China is called, job search.
-Fruitwards: Conflicted War, Brilliant Memorial, Evasive Literature
-Improv Game of the Week: Walkout
-Questionnaise: From Will, Kell, and Brent
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ep. 93 - Truckception

This week, Jon wants a 30 foot chrome dragon to remember Timmy by, Cody is forced to ditch his new catchphrase, and Dave is abused by the nakedness. Also, #Ferretpocolypse 

Show notes: 
-WHYBUT?: IMAX Interstellar, shady renn faire, League of Legends, PS4 hookup, unclear gameplay
-Fruitwards: "Inquisitive Alien invasion" "Sacrificial Baseball" "Revised Infomercial" 
"Stereotypical Monument"
-IGOTW: "TV News" #Ferretpocolypse
-Questionnaise: From Hat-Man, Jason the Piano, Mr. Brent, and "Wheeel" (Will)
-Cody's Words of Wisdom (special musical edition) 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ep. 92 - We're Very Sorry, France

This week Dave has trouble getting started, Jon is very upset about a package he got, Cody is confused about a package HE got, and Will is reaching out for children's education. Also, travel the world's prisons!
Show Notes:
-WHYBUT?: Halloween recovery, iPhone 5 case, murder, video games, Christmas music, inventing the "wheel," board game development. 
-Fruitwards: "Indecent Prosthesis," "Impoverished Roadtrip," "Important Rednecks," "Terrible Lingerie," "Wonderous Wrestlers."
-Questionnaise: from Gary!
-Cody's Words of Wisdom