Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ep. 107 - It's A Lot Of Money

This week Jon negotiates an amazing endowment for the art museum, Cody has eschewed the Laughner scale, and Dave poops his pants. Also, "there's your f*ckin' fairy tale ending." 

Show notes:
-What Day is This?: National Tell A Fairy Tale Day
-WHYBUT?:  Cody went to a convention, met famous people, and started playing a game, Dave had a mini family reunion and still wants a job, and Jon has no beard.
-Fruitwards: Meddlesome Artists
-IGOTW: Doing Lines, AKA the Sentence Game!
-Cody's Words of Wisdom
 The Project Dreamscape Kickstarter is going strong! Consider supporting our friends as they give their creation life.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ep. 106 - Chocolate Mint Podcast

This week Jon destroys a 3,300 year old mask, Cody has a thing against meteorologists, and Dave is a cruel, awful, merciless man. Also, CLASSIC misdirection!

Show notes:
-What Day Is This?: National Chocolate Mint Day
-LSS: No scenes this week. Send them in any time!
-Questionnaise: from Will, Kell, and Gary!
-What's Weird in the World?: Punxsutawney Phil and King Tut Death Mask

 See you next week! 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ep. 105 - Spontaneous Internal Revolution

This week Will wants to talk about Project Dreamscape (that's real), Cody conflates physicists and philosophers, Dave swings in the new year, and Jon is an institution. Also, cash angels!

Show notes:

-WHYBUT?: Welcome back, Will! His kickstarter campaign launches on Feb. 16th! Carb cravings, bitcoin trading, unrestrained enthusiasm, OMG D&D, podcasting, etc.

-Fruitwards: Thought-Provoking Conspiracy, Malicious Dirty Deeds

-Cody's Words of Wisdom
 Make us happy and share the podcast with others!


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ep. 104 - Chronological Autobiographical Significance

This week Bob/Sarah returns! Sarah had a good day, Cody is offended by lemon talk, Dave has expired, and Jon wants the billboard taken down. Also, that's a moth...

Show notes:
-New format!!! Continuing!
-LSS: Sentient food discuss existential topics (from Brent), 
Mystery Meat: Meat the Judge voice audition (from Will)
-Questionnaise: from Brent, Kell, Will, and Will!
-What's Weird in the World?: Billboard Mannequin

 See you next week! 
