Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ep. 111 - Fifty Thousand Little Tiny Steaks

This week Jon has been saving up his venom, Cody wants to expand his tattoo business, and Dave just wants to give people what they want. Also, the colony that becomes the cheese...
Show notes:
 -Fruitwards: Impulsive Parables, Diminutive Meat, Restricted Hobbies, Classy Creepy-Crawlies, Robotic Cheese
 -Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ep. 110 - Brass Knuckles At 20 Paces

This week the show is characterized by the following traits: dedication, perseverance, discipline, a strict nature, a forceful attitude overall, and zeal. Dave eschews his basic training, Cody has a muscle where his brain should be, and Jon teaches at the Golden Rule Academy. Also, how do we have any friends at all? #IsThisAGoodQuestion 

Show notes:
 -What Day Is This?: National Certified Nurses Day
 -LSS: from Brent (Thank you!)
 -Questionnaise: from Will & Gary (Thank you!)
 -What's Weird in the World?: St. Pauli Walls
  See you next week! 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ep. 109 - Originally Made By Sailors

This week Cody sees an opportunity to troll and he must try, Jon is back to his homemade projects, and Dave hates pineapples. Also, it's possibly possible.

Show notes:

-What Day is This?: National Plant A Flower Day

-WHYBUT?: Homemade aftershave, concertizing, working out, job searching, random discussion of Home Alone, Celtic Faire, shooting for the stars, etc.

-Fruitwards: Fruity Cowboys, Odd Fans

-IGOTW: New Choice

-Cody's Words of Wisdom

The Project Dreamscape Kickstarter is wrapping up soon! Consider supporting our friends as they make their dream a reality.









Thursday, March 5, 2015

Episodes Are Available on Sticher

If anyone was wondering, we are on Stitcher Radio...

Ep. 108 - Personal Rabbit Time

This week Cody creates a redundant cheese-flavored snack food, Jon wants to be done in time for his date with Moneypenny, and Dave's life is threatened again. Also, "hello Mr. Snuffles in heaven!" 
Show notes:
-LSS: from Will "return of the Bond Villains" (Thank you!)
-Questionnaise: from Jenni & Brent (Thank you!)
-What's Weird in the World?: Dead Tree?
 Don't forget that the kickstarter for Project Dreamscape is ongoing. Will and Sarah would appreciate your attention.
 See you next week! 
