Thursday, February 23, 2017

Ep. 210 - Art Is Pain, Gentlemen

This week Cody shows off his cave decorations, Jon gets stabbed at a dog treat establishment, and Dave calls 911. Also, stuffed alligators!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

02:46 - What Day is This?: National Dog Biscuit Day

13:03 - What Have You Been Up To?: Marriage, Audiobooks, Escape room project (Escape CMD), jogging, superbowl party, Lady Gaga, working, SIMS 2, hanging a new TV, working, audiobooking, etc.

22:01 - Fruitwards: Garish Caves

30:07 - Improv Game of the Week: 911, What's Your Emergency?

45:04 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Ep. 209 - The Marvel-ous Y-Men

This week Jon printed a picture, Cody thought he saw the ostrich, and Dave has a kind of weird intensity. Also eat a pizza, go on a carnival ride, eat a corndog, and don't go to the gym.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

01:25 - What Day is This?: National Do a Grouch a Favor Day

09:44 - Twittershins Rapid Balls

15:18 - Listener Suggested Scenes: "The Y-Men" from Katherine O'Leary "Eventual President" from someone! Thank you!

27:33 - Questionnaise: from Will

32:30 - What's Weird in the World?: Missing Red Panda?

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Ep. 208 - It's The Acid

This week Jon promotes Shock & Awe, Cody doesn't want to bite the bull, and Dave fake vomits again. Also, we ~totally~ ordered pizza.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

01:51 - What Day is This?: National Pizza Day

13:26 - What Have You Been Up To?: Podcasting, singing, working, Minecraft, building house things, Sims, getting married, honeymooning, etc.

18:34 - Fruitwards: Miraculous Editors, Unpredictable Romance

38:07 - Improv Game of the Week: Bertram and the Master

44:21 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ep. 207 - The Honeymoon

This week Jon isn't there, Cody got married, Jenni got married, and Dave had a terrible idea. Also, the return of Casey... almost.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Voicemails

02:42 - Rendezvous

05:44 - Butterbeer

10:13 - Olivander's

14:25 - Quidditch

19:12 - Room Service

25:32 - Haute Cuisine

35:00 - Stowaway

40:33 - Casey Returns!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!