The thirteenth installment of The Plot Thickens
Wasting ALL the Time is a weekly audio improv comedy podcast hosted by Jonathan Hansen, Cody Parcell, and David Paterson with occasional guests. There are characters, spoofs, songs, laughter, bits, parody, and fun games -- all improvised. Show format alternates weekly. (Music composed by David Paterson, logos designed by James Paterson & Sarah Lister)
Monday, September 30, 2019
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Ep. 13 - Captain Crustacean
This week Cody gives us some future history, Dave is a hagfish, and Jes has a nasty fake British-ism. Also, that is pizza fraud entrapment!
Show Notes:
00:00 - The Beginning
03:41 - Cody's Words of Wisdom
05:42 - Fruitwards: Slimy Therapy
12:51 - Twittershins Rapidballs
20:05 - Fings Wut Got Sent Us: Dice Villains (From Mike Bowles)
29:11 - Improv Game of the Week: Superhero Eulogy
35:48 - The Ending
Monday, September 23, 2019
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Ep. 12 - So Much Carbs
This week Jes wants you to go away, Cody suggests stretching, and Dave wants the batter to swing. Also, ding!
Show Notes:
00:00 - The Beginning
01:56 - The Jesalogue: Ageing
04:48 - Fruitwards: Obnoxious Baseball
09:57 - What Have You Been Up To?: Minecraft, streaming, new garage door, feeling old, threatening the youth with a recession, etc.
19:56 - What's Weird in the World?: Malnutrition
32:39 - Improv Game of the Week: Last Line
44:28 - The Ending
Monday, September 16, 2019
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Ep. 11 - Pollo Master (and Others)
This week Dave knows a lot about penguins, Jes is not making any more wigs, and Cody gets a new Myspace friend. Also my heart is a song!
Show Notes:
00:00 - The Beginning
01:30 - Science Time with Dave: Penguins
03:53 - Fruitwards: Unpredictable Wigs
08:36 - Twittershins Rapidballs
15:25 - What Day is This?: National Video Games Day
28:00 - Improv Game of the Week: Last Letter Scene
36:04 - The Ending
Monday, September 9, 2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Ep. 10 - And Yet, So Mighty
This week Cody has banned trinkets, Dave needs to focus on one thing today, and Jes had her mind opened by a garage sale pamphlet. Also, if it ends in "dot org" it's gotta be legitimate!
Show Notes:
00:00 - The Beginning
01:23 - Cody's Words of Wisdom
03:25 - Fruitwards: Uninhibited Literature
08:36 - Twittershins Rapidballs
16:29 - Fings Wut Got Sent Us: Renn Fair Alien: After Hours (from Jenny Storm)
25:42 - Improv Game of the Week: The Horoscope Game
34:20 - The Ending