Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ep. 219 - Be Likeable, Get Ice Cream

This week, Dave wants to hear a good story, Jon is in North Korea, Cody is exiled from the Band of Ants, and Brent is still alive! Also, chyrons!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Jack Jackson!

02:18 - What Day is This?: National Tell a Story Day

10:36 - Twittershins Rapid Balls

15:44 - Voicemail from Jon

18:27 - Listener Suggested Scenes: "Bandovants" from Will and "Horoscopes" from a phone number!

32:56 - Questionnaise: send them in!

34:51 - What's Weird in the World?: Romantic Graffiti

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ep. 218 - Stone Cold Busted

This week Brent is stone cold busted, Dave is confused by his computer, and Cody conspicted Brent. Also, Jon took a shortcut and made a big discovery but who cares. Also also, find out how the hell you grow!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

06:09 - What Day is This?: National Lima Bean Respect Day

12:58 - What Have You Been Up To?: Having kids, keeping them alive, doing a play, voice over, spending time with family, playing Mass Effect 2, gunwales, GETTING STONE COLD BUSTED, Quandary Escape Rooms fun, singing, Minecraft, travelling for work, etc.

24:52 - Fruitwards: Miraculous Vendors, Cantankerous Mutation

37:22 - Improv Game of the Week: New Choice

49:28 - Brent's Words of Wisdom

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Ep. 217 - Make Lunch, Count! (or, #FOLO)

This week Will had a little bit of a squeak, Cody wants, like, four peach cobblers, and Dave was poaching Tooth Fairies. Also, John? Who's John? Oh! You mean, "Jon?" Umm... Jon who?

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

03:52 - What Day is This?: National Make Lunch Count Day

14:43 - Twittershins Rapidballs

20:58 - Listener Suggested Scenes: "Real-World Hashtag Use" and "Pirate Ship Wake-up" (from Grego The Great)

34:17 - Questionnaise: send them in!

36:52 - What's Weird in the World?: Sasqu-ouch!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ep. 216 - Follow Your Nose!

This week Will tries to steal a pack of gum, Cody is building a museum, and Dave wants to chop those thumbs off. Also, it's three times as fun... because of synergy!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open
03:21 - What Day is This?: National Sorry Charlie Day
14:30 - What Have You Been Up To?: Birthdays, preparing for a Kickstarter that doesn't exist yet, audiobook, No Man's Sky, Minecraft, singing, travelling, audiobooks, escape rooms, etc.
26:13 - Fruitwards: Cody's Legacy, Beginner Level Criminals
37:47 - Improv Game of the Week: Last Letter Game
44:35 - Will's Words of Wisdom

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!