Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ep. 124 - Pop Psychiatry

This week Jon is quitting the opera, Dave is quitting his religion, and Cody is quitting Dave. Also, Friedrich F*cking Nietzsche!

Show Notes:

-What Day Is This?: National Bomb Pop Day, National Leon Day, National Catfish Day

-WHYBUT?: D&D, working out, bicycling, conventions, Steam summer sale, nothing important, etc. Also, we recorded this segment after the rest of the episode because we forgot.

-Fruitwards: Philosophical Singing, Famous Movement-of-Alongness


-Cody's Words of Wisdom

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Call For Questions II

Send us your questions about the early history of the United States of America and we will provide some very truthy answers during our Independence Day special on July 2nd, 2015. Thanks!

Ep. 123 - Some People Are Suck at Fishing

This week Dave ruins the concept of a segue, Jon helps dump brains, and Cody wants to eat a pair of big melons. Also, JAWS (the shark movies, not the Bond villain).

Show Notes:

-What Day Is This?: National Go Fishing Day


-Listener Suggested Scene: "Sexual Innuendo" from Will (Thank you!)

-Questionnaise: it's a doosey from Anthony! (Thanks very much!)

-What's Weird in the World?: "Brain Dump"


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ep. 122 - Satan's A**hole

This week Dave wants to know what your vegetables are called, Cody can't stop taking notes, and Jon endures his first prostate exam. Also, enemies are dumb.

Show Notes:

-What Day Is This?: National Corn-on-the-Cob Day

-WHYBUT?: Valhalla Renaissance Faire, spontaneous story for money, sobering up, activity tracker fun, working out, baby pigs, etc.

-Fruitwards: Deadly Amusement Parks, Dave's Mythic Creature, Contractual Treasures, Intellectual Wilderness, Laughing Logic, Rambunctious Legacy

-IGOTW: Evil Stick of Gum

-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ep. 121 - How Do Puns Work?

This week, on a very special episode of Wasting ALL the Time - A Podcast...
Dave gets drunk, Cody gets drunk, Jon gets drunk, and Sarah is several months sober. Also, remember to drink responsibly!
