Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ep. 116 - Big Raisin

This week Kell finally gets her thank you song! Dave would appreciate some clarification (or not), Jon feels that the rhythm was a little bit off, and Cody sells better bananas. Also, "never was there a tale of such woe..."

Show notes:
-What Day is This?: National Poem In Your Pocket Day
-WHYBUT?: Singing, D&D, modules, job search, Breaking Bad, Ingress, loitering, etc.
-Fruitwards: Ancient Performance, Deluxe Bananas
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ep. 115 - Eyes On Dad

This week, Cody received his Monarch-by-Mail certification, Dave may or may not be a robot, and Jon wants to buy trash in order to get his ex-girlfriend back. Also, don't drink the burnables.

Show notes:
-What Day Is This?: National Lost Dog Awareness Day, National Take a Chance Day, National Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day
-LSS: "Cody's Principle" from Anthony (Thanks!)
-Questionnaise: from James (Thank you!)
-What's Weird in the World?: Jersey Trash

  See you next week!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ep. 114 - Nominal Ostrich

This week the guys share some Latin facts and risk a teachable moment. Dave really needs a leaf blower, Cody wants some mac and cheese, and Jon can't get good help for his heists anymore. Also, "rise-up-lights."

Show notes:
-What Day is This?: National Eggs Benedict Day
-WHYBUT?: Minecraft, job hunting, Bond films, film continuity, cartoons, spoilers, board games, etc.
-Fruitwards: Illegal Phobias
-IGOTW: Directorial Style
-Cody's Words of Wisdom


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ep. 113 - Fresh, Clean, Drinkable Water

This week, Cody doesn't want to go to the Moon, Dave is unimpressed by charity, and Jon literally did something in a metaphorical sense. Also, I thought you were going to say "Mussolini."

Show notes:
 -What Day Is This?: National Winston Churchill Day
 -LSS: Underground Fight Club (from Will)
 -Questionnaise: from Anthony & Will (Thank you!)
 -What's Weird in the World?: Easter Egg Hunt
  See you next week! 


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ep. 112 - Hook, Line and Stinker

This week, Dave's not sick anymore, Jon wants to completely alter the PBJ, and Cody lies to people. Also, CARTAZINGA!!!

Show notes:
-What Day is This?: National Peanut Butter And Jelly Day
-WHYBUT?: Health, sickness, recovery, questioning Dave's conception of what professionalism is, Emerald City Comic-Con, not waiting in line at Voodoo Doughnuts, not pumping gas, driving, audio-book recording, clearing sewer lines, etc.
-Fruitwards: Faithful Breakfast, Theoretical Words
-IGOTW: One-Up/Pissing Contest
-Cody's Words of Wisdom
