Friday, December 31, 2021

Ep. 113b - Best Of 2021 (Side B)

This week the cohorts are counting down the top ten scenes of the year, as voted on by our listeners! Thank you for joining with us for another year of improv comedy podcasting like none other. This is the second of two parts (5-1).

Show Notes:

0:00:00 - The Beginning

0:03:05 - Scene #5: "Ghost Killer"

0:10:30 - Scene #4: "Council of Tree Fairies"

0:20:35 - "What would you wish for the following year of podcasting?

0:25:21 - Scene #3: "Talk to the Hat" (from the Discord)

0:34:08 - Scene #2: "Todd's Mysteries of the Universe (and Warhammer)

0:47:43 - Scene #1: "Pepperburg"

1:00:30 - The Ending


Come hang out on our Discord server!

Check out Jes on her Twitch channel Jenga136

Check out Cody on his Twitch channel PracticalRook or on YouTube at Mid Tier Entertainment

Check out Dave's other podcast Catch Me Up

Go bug Jon on Twitter @JHansenHimself

If you're REALLY bored, go to Patreon and support our timewasting efforts!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ep. 113 - Best Of 2021 (Side A)

This week the cohorts are counting down the top ten scenes of the year, as voted on by our listeners! Thank you for joining with us for another year of improv comedy podcasting like none other. This is the first of two parts (10-6).

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

05:50 - Scene #10: "Duckabunga!"

13:34 - Scene #9: "Vacuum to the Moon" (from Michael Bowles)

20:47 - Scene #8: "First Day at the Aqueduct Factory"

27:53 - "What stands out to you about this year of podcasting?"

34:10 - Scene #7: "Passive Aggressive Party" (from Buttstuff)

46:06 - Scene #6: "Saturday Morning Mad Max" (from Steven Langston)

51:53 - The Ending


Come hang out on our Discord server!

Check out Jes on her Twitch channel Jenga136

Check out Cody on his Twitch channel PracticalRook or on YouTube at Mid Tier Entertainment

Check out Dave's other podcast Catch Me Up

Go bug Jon on Twitter @JHansenHimself

If you're REALLY bored, go to Patreon and support our timewasting efforts!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Ep. 112 - A Chain of Barrels

This week Jon is asked to beat up a fan, Cody had forgotten about the spider, and Dave knows a guy. Also, it's Doctor Who themed!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:17 - The Jonologue: Meat Done-ness

05:00 - Fruitwards: Purpurate Overpraising

14:13 - What Have You Been Up To?: Work, podcasting, Minecraft, FFXIV, vocal booth construction, bacheloring-it-up, A Christmas Carol live reading, school ending, etc.

26:24 - What's Weird in the World?: Mega Spider

36:48 - Improv Game of the Week: Evil Stick of Gum

47:01 - The Ending




Come hang out on our Discord server!

Check out Jes on her Twitch channel Jenga136

Check out Cody on his Twitch channel PracticalRook or on YouTube at Mid Tier Entertainment

Check out Dave's other podcast Catch Me Up

Go bug Jon on Twitter @JHansenHimself

If you're REALLY bored, go to Patreon and support our timewasting efforts!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ep. 111 - All Bets Are Off

This week Dave likes to tinker, Jes loves ranting, and Cody misses SoBe. Also, they're venomous!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:47 - Science Time with Dave: Round Earth

04:33 - Fruitwards: Serratirostral Shoals

15:22 - Twittershins Rapidballs

25:22 - What Day is This?: Barbie & Barney Backlash Day

35:02 - Improv Game of the Week: Promo

40:59 - The Ending


Come hang out on our Discord server!

Check out Jes on her Twitch channel Jenga136

Check out Cody on his Twitch channel PracticalRook or on YouTube at Mid Tier Entertainment

Check out Dave's other podcast Catch Me Up

Go bug Jon on Twitter @JHansenHimself

If you're REALLY bored, go to Patreon and support our timewasting efforts!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Ep. 110 - Toro! Toro! Toro!

This week Jes is going to cross her fingers and hope that it works, Dave needs to give up his second son, Cody asks for a new monarch, and Jon has a fun dungeon. Also, submit your favorite scenes of the year!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Beginning

04:52 - Style It!: Tracing

08:27 - Fruitwards: Auditor Jiffy

17:14 - What Have You Been Up To?: School, food charity, video games, travel, audiobooks, end of the year preparations, SUBMIT YOUR FAVORITE SCENES, Minecraft, noise issues, etc.

30:18 - The Scene Foretold: Queen of Wands

42:56 - Improv Game of the Week: New Choice

49:42 - The Ending


Come hang out on our Discord server!

Check out Jes on her Twitch channel Jenga136

Check out Cody on his Twitch channel PracticalRook or on YouTube at Mid Tier Entertainment

Check out Dave's other podcast Catch Me Up

Go bug Jon on Twitter @JHansenHimself

If you're REALLY bored, go to Patreon and support our timewasting efforts!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Ep. 109 - All the Big Ones

This week Cody performs an anime, Dave hires a doula, Jon has specific details (that everyone loves to hear), and Jes wants you to talk into the hat. Also, this says you're supposed to push.

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

03:06 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

05:01 - Fruitwards: Exhausting Styrolene

14:03 - Twittershins Rapidballs

25:00 - Fings Wut Got Sent Us: Song-Quoting Drug-Dealing Undercover Cops (from the Discord!)

36:02 - Improv Game of the Week: Clicker

44:25 - The Ending


Come hang out on our Discord server!

Check out Jes on her Twitch channel Jenga136

Check out Cody on his Twitch channel PracticalRook or on YouTube at Mid Tier Entertainment

Check out Dave's other podcast Catch Me Up

Go bug Jon on Twitter @JHansenHimself

If you're REALLY bored, go to Patreon and support our timewasting efforts!

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!