Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ep. 56 - Balms What Ails You

This week Cody admires the hyper-violent snowmen, Dave can taste the je ne sais quois, and Jon explains feline beat poetry. Also, I did hear everything you just said!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

01:14 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

03:05 - Fruitwards: Fogless Muffin

09:12 - Twittershins Rapidballs

17:00 - Fings Wut Got Sent Us: Surprise Pockets

21:38 - Improv Game of the Week: Gibberish Translator

29:58 - The Ending

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ep. 55 - Sleepy Lemon

This week Jon is like She-Ra (but legally distinct), Dave explains his failed joke, and Cody gets a safe distance away. Also, "where's your BEARD?!"

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:29 - The Jonologue: Flavored Sparkling Water

04:58 - Fruitwards: Idiotic Fate

14:13 - What Have You Been Up To?: The Weight Loss Journey, hot weather, working from home, streaming on Twitch, Summer School, gardening, etc.

22:47 - What's Weird in the World?: Magnet Fishing

29:32 - Improv Game of the Week: Horoscope

36:40 - The Ending

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ep. 54 - Sassy Mage

This week Dave is a sex therapist (not an arborist), Casey is dead, Cody doesn't want to be his own boss, and Jon is King. Also, can I clinch your deal?!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:50 - Science Time With Dave: Forces of Nature

05:03 - Fruitwards: Vested Buckeye

12:56 - Twittershins Rapidballs

22:57 - What Day is This?: National Personal Chef Day

34:14 - Improv Game of the Week: Rhymes

45:28 - Guest Share: YouTube & Twitch

46:40 - The Ending

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Ep. 53 - The Devil's Math

This week Cody holdssss out hisssss essssssssessss, Casey tries to talk to a birthday clown, and Dave makes a sixteen-wheeled cycle. Also, anytime Frankenstein!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:17 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

04:35 - Fruitwards: Inclinable Bicyclist

13:08 - Twittershins Rapidballs

18:42 - Fings Wut Got Sent Us: "Wrong party, birthday clown" from Dusty Moody

27:34 - Improv Game of the Week: [untitled] from Mike Bowles

37:28 - The Ending (Beginning)

38:33 - A Hearty Thank You to our newest patron, Jenny Storm!

40:00 - The Ending (Ending)

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ep. 52 - It Seems Only Fair

This week Jon wants to take back his bid, Dave makes a lousy victim, and Cody thought the joke told itself. Also, can you market it? Then, it's good!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

01:32 - The Jonologue: Cheese

03:47 - Fruitwards: Manuscript Vitrifaction

12:45 - What Have You Been Up To?: Streaming, YouTubery, working out, fixing audio, making friends, working from home, dental work, gardening, etc.

27:58 - What's Weird in the World?: Hand Sanitizer Swap

39:01 - Improv Game of the Week: The Guest Game

51:22 - The Ending

Waste time efficiently with this new episode!